Sunday, April 18, 2010

Final thoughts!

Overall, i'm happy with how it turned out, and I feel like i've learnt some new components of flash even though I used a different coding! It's been an interesting process, and I would love to keep learning flash... maybe one day i'll be able to wrap my head around AS3 and create something incredible and awesome! (I looked at a few flash sites for inspiration that awestruck me)

I really like how this website is set out, I like menu at the bottom that pops up when you hover over something (like the preferences link) and I especially like the images. This is something i'd love to work towards... in the very far future most likely!

P.S I changed my word document to a pdf as suggested and changed the coding to find it, when I tested it the page crashed so i'm not sure if it worked or if it doesn't accept it. Either way, its just a test document at the moment until I have a useful resume.

audio and parts of my site

I did put audio on my buttons in the flash file, but personally I find it annoying when sites have sound, so my volume is always off.
In retrospect I wish I hadn't just gone ahead and made my site based on the coding I used in my last flash class, but my thoughts when I started were if I get it done now, I have more time to work on other projects. That was the advantage of using the same coding as last time, but the advantages of using the code given in this class would be that I could have text descriptions on my gallery page. I didn't want to go through and change everything again though, because I already put all this effort into it!! I still haven't received a reply from Luis about the action script I would need.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

link to scah

figured I should keep the link here...

new page

I wasn't going to have a video page (because this is my portfolio, and i've never worked with video) but I didn't realise we had to make one.... so I put in an extra page, so I have 5 links, rather than 4, only because I figure I can delete it later... or keep it depending on how my independent studies movie works out!!

this is the page.. with 2 random videos in it at the moment from youtube. It doesn't have the buttons bar cause I just did a screenshot of the swf. I just realised that I have to change the order of the buttons because the colouring on this page links to the colouring on the resume page.... but i've accidently put it as the last button. It's probably not something anyone will notice straight away but ah well.
Also i'm having trouble getting hold of Luis, so I haven't been able to add any description text to my gallery page.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

final pages

I'm having trouble getting my flash webpage on the scah server. Since I tried changing my home page to 'index' I can't get it to publish, so I tried just changing it back but it still wont work!
I've redone my pages and button bar so the colour theme is more continuous.




Tuesday, March 23, 2010

what i've done

In class we are learning things (like the navigation system) that are different to what I want my pages to look like... I'm not sure if we are going to be learning about external loading pages, but I prefer using that because its easier for me to understand, and neater for when I want to look at or change something. Plus, too many things on the timeline confuse my brain.
I was looking at a few tutorials which inspired me to add some tweening to my text (not all of it) just enough to make it look a little more interesting and not distracting. The site I found is called "" and it has a tutorial on tweening with text. There are a couple of examples depending on what you want to achieve, like making the text fall on or off the page (which looked cool to me!)
I also tried to look up some tutorials for what I wanted to do with my resume page, which was add a button that will allow the viewer to download a document (being my resume). Rather than having it all sitting there on the one page. I think this will be neater to look at, and with the link you know what you will be downloading. I couldn't find any related tutorials to this but fortunately the guy I was sitting next to is a flash expert! Richard helped me with the coding for the download document button and explained to me what I was telling it to do.
So now I have a go to blog link, which will link to a webpage, a download button, which goes to my resume, and an email text bit... which will open up an email with my address in sender. I haven't decided if I should put a link to a blog (this is the only one I have, will it be relevant?) or if I should send a link to deviantart. The problem with that is, I already have a gallery page on my website so why do I need to link to deviantart? But the good thing about it would be... they could see the progress i've made as an artist in my time on deviantart (my old artwork is still on there) Deviantart is more relevant to me because I like the community feedback... I don't really blog unless I have to.
Another tutorial I looked at was on it's mainly for cs4 but it had some really cool navigation tutorials, I didn't want to get into cs4 because of the problems it might have trying to bring it back to cs3.

In Week 3

By now I think we were supposed to have our site plan figured out. The navigation system that I am using is pretty basic looking compared to what we are doing in class (with the rotating and what not) but I wanted my buttons bar to be consistent through all the pages and focus on the images that are shown, rather than the navigation.
We had a play around with the trace bitmap function, which looks pretty cool but I'm probably not going to use that either (sorry)! Because I want my webpage to be like a career portfolio, i'm not using other peoples artwork or photos (i'm not using photos at all actually). I've used my own images for each page, so I don't need to play around with the trace bitmap to make it my own, as they already are my own! Although I think it would look pretty cool if you wanted to animate the colours a little bit, since once is transformed you can select blocks of colour and do what you want with it.