Tuesday, April 13, 2010

new page

I wasn't going to have a video page (because this is my portfolio, and i've never worked with video) but I didn't realise we had to make one.... so I put in an extra page, so I have 5 links, rather than 4, only because I figure I can delete it later... or keep it depending on how my independent studies movie works out!!

this is the page.. with 2 random videos in it at the moment from youtube. It doesn't have the buttons bar cause I just did a screenshot of the swf. I just realised that I have to change the order of the buttons because the colouring on this page links to the colouring on the resume page.... but i've accidently put it as the last button. It's probably not something anyone will notice straight away but ah well.
Also i'm having trouble getting hold of Luis, so I haven't been able to add any description text to my gallery page.

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