Tuesday, March 23, 2010

what i've done

In class we are learning things (like the navigation system) that are different to what I want my pages to look like... I'm not sure if we are going to be learning about external loading pages, but I prefer using that because its easier for me to understand, and neater for when I want to look at or change something. Plus, too many things on the timeline confuse my brain.
I was looking at a few tutorials which inspired me to add some tweening to my text (not all of it) just enough to make it look a little more interesting and not distracting. The site I found is called "flashandmath.com" and it has a tutorial on tweening with text. There are a couple of examples depending on what you want to achieve, like making the text fall on or off the page (which looked cool to me!)
I also tried to look up some tutorials for what I wanted to do with my resume page, which was add a button that will allow the viewer to download a document (being my resume). Rather than having it all sitting there on the one page. I think this will be neater to look at, and with the link you know what you will be downloading. I couldn't find any related tutorials to this but fortunately the guy I was sitting next to is a flash expert! Richard helped me with the coding for the download document button and explained to me what I was telling it to do.
So now I have a go to blog link, which will link to a webpage, a download button, which goes to my resume, and an email text bit... which will open up an email with my address in sender. I haven't decided if I should put a link to a blog (this is the only one I have, will it be relevant?) or if I should send a link to deviantart. The problem with that is, I already have a gallery page on my website so why do I need to link to deviantart? But the good thing about it would be... they could see the progress i've made as an artist in my time on deviantart (my old artwork is still on there) Deviantart is more relevant to me because I like the community feedback... I don't really blog unless I have to.
Another tutorial I looked at was on www.adobe.com it's mainly for cs4 but it had some really cool navigation tutorials, I didn't want to get into cs4 because of the problems it might have trying to bring it back to cs3.

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